Here is some information on affordable Internet from Cox if you are interested.
During Parent Teacher Conferences on Wednesday, September 20 we would like to provide dinner for our amazing teachers., but we need your help!
We are going to provide the meat, but we would love some volunteers to bring some of the others. Please click on the link below to sign up to bring something to help out! We appreciate your help!
Durante las conferencias de padres y maestros el miércoles 20 de septiembre, nos gustaría ofrecer una cena a nuestros increíbles maestros, ¡pero necesitamos su ayuda!
Nosotros vamos a proporcionar la carne, pero nos encantaría que algunos voluntarios trajeran algunos de los demás. ¡Haga clic en el enlace a continuación para registrarse y traer algo que ayude! ¡Apreciamos su ayuda!
Just a reminder about Coffee with the Counselors tomorrow at 7:30 in the GJHS Counseling Center!
It's time to fill out your free and reduced lunch application form! Apply online by visiting !
Be sure to checkout the Downtown Springdale Art Walk, which features a comedy show, self-guided tours, , an Art Crawl, a Monarch festival and the Emma Exchange from Friday through Sunday, Sept. 14-16 in Downtown Springdale!
#SpringdaleFamily #CommunityPartnerships
Wrangler Families: Here is our GJHS Counselor Newsletter!
The 2023 Back to School Rally is Sept. 13 at Arvest Ballpark! Gates open at 5 p.m. The pre-game starts at 6 p.m., and the Naturals play at 7:05 p.m.! #SpringdaleFamily
Our GJHS Counselors are bringing back Coffee with the Counselors on Friday, September 1st from 7:30 A.M. - 8:30 A.M. in the GJHS Counseling Suite. They would love for our GJHS Wrangler Families to come and join them if you have questions about your student's classes or want to learn more about mental health for teens. They hope to see you there!
#SpringdaleFamily it's time to complete your Free and Reduced Meal Application.
It's time to complete your free and reduced meal application! Please visit to apply today!
Just a reminder that tomorrow is our Chromebook pick-up event from 8:00-3:00. If you do not owe any money for damages from any school and have filled out your AUA, you can come and pick-up your Chromebook and charger at the front of the school tomorrow. The cutoff to have your AUA filled out is midnight tonight. Unfortunately, anyone who fills out the AUA after midnight will have to wait until the first day of school to get your Chromebook. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. #DestinationGeorge --- Solo un recordatorio de que mañana es nuestro evento de recogida de Chromebook de 8:00 a 3:00. Si no debe dinero por daños de ninguna escuela y ha completado su AUA, puede venir y recoger su Chromebook y el cargador en el frente de la escuela mañana. El límite para completar su AUA es la medianoche de esta noche. Desafortunadamente, cualquier persona que llene el AUA después de la medianoche tendrá que esperar hasta el primer día de clases para obtener su Chromebook. Gracias por su comprensión y cooperación. #DestinoGeorge
Springdale Public Schools staff followed the Yellow Brick Road into the Springdale High School performing arts center today for the district's annual faculty meeting.
The Springdale Chamber of Commerce featured the 57th annual Teacher Appreciation Event on Aug. 9 at Har-Ber High School. The event included a vendor fair and some $135,000 in prize giveaways. #SpringdaleFamily
We would like to introduce our 2023-2024 George Junior High Wrangler Staff! #DestinationGeorge #DefyGravity #ForGood #NoPlaceLikeHome
Yesterday, we had our 3rd Annual George Junior High Signing Day Ceremony! We had another outstanding class of 5 star recruits! We lucky to have several brand new teachers, several former students and former teachers who are returning to GJHS, and some teachers we were able to pull from the transfer portal! We are very excited about the upcoming school year! #DestinationGeorge #SpringdaleFamily #SigningDay #NoPlaceLikeHome #DefyingGravity
Our new teacher, Ms. Gabby Acosta, won this door prize at the District's New Teacher Orientation this morning! Congrats to Ms. Acosta! #DestinationGeorge
Wrangler Students and Families: We will be having a Chromebook pick-up event on Friday, August 10th from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. We will hand out Chromebooks and chargers to any student that has filled out their Digital AUA form and does not owe any money for Chromebook damages or loss. Any student(s) unable to pick up their Chromebook at this event will get their Chromebook on the first day of school. Parents or guardians do not need to be with their student to pick up their Chromebook. Also, students do not need to be with their parent or guardians. NOTE: Chromebooks WILL NOT be handed out during our Open Houses.
Link to Digital AUA:
Estudiantes y familias de Wrangler: Tendremos un evento de recogida de Chromebook el viernes 10 de agosto de 8:00 a. m. a 3:00 p. m. Entregaremos Chromebooks y cargadores a cualquier estudiante que haya completado su formulario Digital AUA y no deba dinero por daños o pérdida de Chromebook. Cualquier estudiante que no pueda recoger su Chromebook en este evento obtendrá su Chromebook el primer día de clases. Los padres o tutores no necesitan estar con su estudiante para recoger su Chromebook. Además, los estudiantes no necesitan estar con sus padres o tutores. NOTA: NO se entregarán Chromebooks durante nuestras jornadas de puertas abiertas.
El enlace al formulario es:
We look forward to having you back to school! It is time to update your information!
Wrangler Families:
August is right around the corner, so we need you all to start filling out the GJHS Digital Acceptable Usage Agreement (AUA) for any student(s) attending GJHS this school year. We must have this form filled out before your student(s) will receive a Chromebook and charger for them to use to do their school work this year. We ask that you please fill out this form AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Thank you all so much!
(NOTE: Any students that owe money for lost chargers or unpaid tech repairs from GJHS or any previous school will not receive their Chromebooks/chargers until they have paid for their tech repairs or charger replacements.)
Please share with any and all friends an family that will have students attending GJHS this year!
Familias Wrangler:
Agosto está a la vuelta de la esquina, por lo que necesitamos que todos comiencen a completar el Acuerdo de uso aceptable digital (AUA) de GJHS para cualquier estudiante que asista a GJHS este año escolar. Debemos completar este formulario antes de que su(s) estudiante(s) reciban un Chromebook y un cargador para que lo usen para hacer su trabajo escolar este año. Le pedimos que por favor llene este formulario LO ANTES POSIBLE. ¡Muchas gracias a todos!
(NOTA: Cualquier estudiante que deba dinero por cargadores perdidos o reparaciones técnicas no pagadas de GJHS o cualquier escuela anterior no recibirá sus Chromebooks/cargadores hasta que haya pagado las reparaciones técnicas o el reemplazo del cargador).
¡Comparta con todos y cada uno de sus amigos una familia que tendrá estudiantes que asistirán a GJHS este año!