Wrangler Families:
Please see the below information about a Free Clothing Drive on Saturday, November 4 from 8:00 am - 11:00 am at the Robinson Avenue Church of Christ located at 1506 West Robinson Avenue. At this event there will be breakfast, free shopping, new children's coats, and new children's socks and underwear.
Familias Wrangler:
Consulte la siguiente información sobre una colecta de ropa gratuita el sábado 4 de noviembre de 8:00 am a 11:00 am en la Iglesia de Cristo de Robinson Avenue ubicada en 1506 West Robinson Avenue. En este evento habrá desayuno, compras gratis, abrigos nuevos para niños y calcetines y ropa interior nuevos para niños.
October is National Principals Month! As October winds down, we wanted to honor and celebrate our amazing Principals here at George Junior High! No offense to any other school, but our Principals are the coolest! They have worked hard to create a positive, yet fun culture and learning environment here at GJHS! We are so appreciative of all their hard work and leadership! #DestinationGeorge #SpringdaleFamily #ForGood #DefyGravity
Here is the schedule for Hoops Day to be held on Saturday, November 11th at Springdale High School. Come out and get a first look at our Wrangler Basketball teams!
Attendance is very important to success of our students and their education. Please take a look at our videos on the importance of attendance. --- La asistencia es muy importante para el éxito de nuestros estudiantes y su educación. Por favor, eche un vistazo a nuestros vídeos sobre la importancia de la asistencia. #DestinationGeorge #ForGood #DefyGravity #SpringdaleFamily
Wrangler Families: FYI: Progress reports with attendance letters should be coming home today with students. Make sure that your students show them to you. --- Familias de Wrangler: Para su información: Los informes de progreso con cartas de asistencia deberían llegar a casa hoy con los estudiantes. Asegúrese de que sus alumnos se los muestren.
Be sure to explore all the amazing news from this month's School Board meeting. #SpringdaleSchools
Springdale Athletic passes are available for purchase at GJHS in the main office. The cost is $25 for a student pass and $75 for adult passes. These passes are good for any Springdale regular season home athletic event. If purchasing at GJHS, please ask for Mrs. Ludwick.
We are moonwalking into a new week here at GJHS! They aren't all THRILLERs, but they aren't all BAD either! Sometimes you just have to look at the MAN IN THE MIRROR and face rough days head on! Together we can BEAT IT! YOU ARE NOT ALONE! #DestinationGeorge #Springdale Family
Congratulations to both our 8th and 9th grade Students of the Month for the month of September: Maria Valdez Ramos and Ervin Alvizures! Great job Wranglers! #DestinationGeorge #ForGood #DefyGravity
Here is the latest edition of our GJHS Counselor Newsletter. This month's topic is Bullying Prevention. If you ever have any questions or comments please reach out to any of our amazing GJHS Counselors!
District Admin chose to represent GJHS today for their "Spirit Shirt Friday! We feel so honored! #DestinationGeorge #SpringdaleFamily #ForGood #DefyGravity
Our nurse will be conducting Vision and Hearing re-screenings this Friday, October 4th. Please remind your students to bring their glasses with them if they are needing to be re-screened. Thanks so much! -- Nuestra enfermera realizará nuevos exámenes de visión y audición este viernes 4 de octubre. Recuerde a sus estudiantes que traigan sus anteojos si necesitan volver a ser evaluados. ¡Muchas gracias!
The student flu shot clinic will be Wednesday, October 25th. Consents will be sent home with the students tomorrow, Wednesday, October 4th. Please return the consents ASAP completed ONLY if you would like for your child to get a flu shot. -- La clínica de vacunación contra la gripe para estudiantes será el miércoles 25 de octubre. Los consentimientos se enviarán a casa con los estudiantes mañana miércoles 4 de octubre. Por favor devuelva los consentimientos completados lo antes posible SÓLO si desea que su hijo reciba la vacuna contra la gripe.
October 2nd is National Custodian Appreciation Day! We are so fortunate to have such amazing custodians during the school day, but also in the evenings after we all go home! We are so appreciative of the hard work they do everyday to keep our schools safe and clean! Thank you all for everything you do! #ForGood #DefyGravity #DestinationGeorge
A huge thank you to everyone for coming out to get their car washed and donating to Springdale Bands! #SpringdaleFamily
Brent Higgins Trucking has just donated 9 pallets of FRESH Rotisserie Chickens! You can take a couple of cases home with you to stock up for the holidays! First come first serve.Park-n-PIck Up TODAY starting at 12:30 at the Treehouse Pantry located at 802 W. Allen.
FRESH ROTISSERIE CHICKENS (not frozen, not cooked) FRESH
Please park in the hospital parking lot to the southeast of the Treehouse Pantry and wait for the Semi trailer to leave before walking over to pick the chicken. We are so thankful for this partnership with Brent Higgins Trucking!
Treehouse Pantry Park-n-Pick Up Rainin jino ilo 12:30
first come, first serve nan ne remaat!
FRESH ROTISSERIE CHICKENS (rejjab kwoj, ak reikood) REKAAL
Jouj im park ilo parking ne an Hospital ituen in wot Treehouse Pantry e im kotar an semi trailer en etal im konej itok im pick up e free chicken en. Elap am likun kamolol kin jimjera in eman ibben Brent Higgins Trucking!
Brent Higgins Trucking acaba de donar 9 paletas de pollos asados crudos. Puedes llevarte un par de cajas a casa para abastecerse para las fiestas! Se le sirve en orden de llegada. Estacione y recoja hoy a partir de las 12:30 en el Treehouse Pantry ubicado en 802 W. Allen Ave. Springdale AR, 72764. Pollos asados crudos no congelados ni cocidos. Estacione en el estacionamiento del hospital al sureste del Treehouse Pantry y espere el semirremolque para salir antes de caminar a recoger para recoger el pollo. Estamos muy agradecidos por esta asociación con Brent Higgins Trucking!
Just a heads up that the final day to purchase the SDPP Chromebook insurance is October 1st. You can bring or send in the $20 payment to the front office or purchase it through our online payment webstore at: https://osp.osmsinc.com/SpringdaleAR/BVModules/ProductTemplates/Bvc2013/Product.aspx?productid=GM060-19
Solo le avisamos que el último día para comprar el seguro SDPP para Chromebook es el 1 de octubre. Puede traer o enviar el pago de $20 a la oficina principal o comprarlo a través de nuestra tienda web de pagos en línea en: https://osp.osmsinc.com/SpringdaleAR/BVModules/ProductTemplates/Bvc2013/Product.aspx?productid=GM060-19
It's time to fill out your free and reduced lunch application form! Apply online by visiting www.schoolcafe.com/SPRINGDALEPS !
Checkout this recap of the September School Board meeting with the latest information on tonight's Back to School Rally at Arvest Ballpark! #SpringdaleFamily
You can now follow our athletics social media pages for game schedules and score updates. #DestinationGeorge #FearTheG #WeAreGeorge #SpringdaleFamily
Twitter- @GJHS_Athletics
Instagram- @GJHS_Athletics