Wrangler Families: Monday, October 3rd is the deadline to purchase the SDPP Chromebook insurance for your child. Ultimately this is a great investment in that if your student breaks his screen, a cost of $60 to replace. The cost will only be $10 when you buy the $20 SDPP insurance. This is a savings of $30 on your student's first damage. You will also save money on a lost charger if your student has trouble keeping up with charger. Don't delay in purchasing the SDPP for your student. -- Familias de Wrangler: el lunes 3 de octubre es la fecha límite para comprar el seguro SDPP Chromebook para su hijo. En última instancia, esta es una gran inversión en la que si su estudiante rompe su pantalla, un costo de $ 60 para reemplazarla. El costo será de solo $10 cuando compre el seguro SDPP de $20. Este es un ahorro de $30 en el primer daño de su estudiante. También ahorrará dinero en un cargador perdido si su estudiante tiene problemas para mantenerse al día con el cargador. No se demore en comprar el SDPP para su estudiante.
over 2 years ago, George Junior High
SDPP Deadline
Please visit WWW.SCHOOLCAFE.COM/SPRINGDALEPS to apply online!
over 2 years ago, Springdale Public Schools
Support the Springdale Schools band programs by stopping by Zips Car Wash locations today at 1112 S. Thompson St. and 3681 and 6600 W. Sunset Ave. The first 1,000 cars at these locations will receive FREE car wash and vacuum! #SpringdaleFamily
over 2 years ago, Springdale Public Schools
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Wrangler families: We are having an ongoing issue of students bringing their Chromebooks to school with a dead or low battery. It is the student's responsibility to charge their Chromebooks every evening and bring them back to school everyday ready to learn. Students are not charging them, and then bringing their chargers to school with the expectation of being able to charge them in class. Chromebook chargers should be left at home. This is keep them from getting lost or taken by another student. A replacement charger costs $40, if the student loses it and must be paid or a child will not have a way to charge their Chromebook. We are trying to save your student(s) and ultimately you an extra added expense. We have also included a list of other Chromebook "Do's and Don'ts" to help your student have success. Please make sure your students are following all of these guidelines at home. These Chromebooks are a privilege and are to be used for educational purposes at school and home. Everything that your student is searching and watching is monitored. Any inappropriate use is sent directly to our building Admin and the Springdale Tech Department, and any misuse could result in the loss of their Chromebook. Our goal at GJHS first and foremost is the safety of our students. Thank you for all of your understanding and cooperation! #DestinationGeorge #SpringdaleFamily Familias de Wrangler: Tenemos un problema continuo de estudiantes que traen sus Chromebooks a la escuela con la batería descargada o baja. Es responsabilidad del estudiante cargar sus Chromebooks todas las noches y traerlos a la escuela todos los días listos para aprender. Los estudiantes no los cargan y luego traen sus cargadores a la escuela con la expectativa de poder cargarlos en clase. Los cargadores de Chromebook deben dejarse en casa. Esto es para evitar que se pierdan o se los lleve otro estudiante. Un cargador de reemplazo cuesta $ 40, si el estudiante lo pierde y debe pagarse o el niño no tendrá forma de cargar su Chromebook. Estamos tratando de ahorrarle a su (s) estudiante (s) y, en última instancia, a usted un gasto adicional adicional. También hemos incluido una lista de otros Chromebook "Qué hacer y qué no hacer" para ayudar a su estudiante a tener éxito. Asegúrese de que sus estudiantes sigan todas estas pautas en casa. Estos Chromebooks son un privilegio y deben usarse con fines educativos en la escuela y el hogar. Todo lo que su estudiante está buscando y viendo es monitoreado. Cualquier uso inapropiado se envía directamente a nuestro administrador del edificio y al departamento de tecnología de Springdale, y cualquier uso indebido podría resultar en la pérdida de su Chromebook. Nuestro objetivo en GJHS, ante todo, es la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes. ¡Gracias por toda su comprensión y cooperación! #DestinationGeorge #SpringdaleFamily
over 2 years ago, George Junior High
Charge Your Chromebook
Do's and Don'ts
Last week GJHS won a grill for having the highest percentage of growth in free and reduced lunch forms turned in the week prior! Today, Mr. Rowe and Officer Reynebeau put together our grill for us! Huge thank you to both of them! They only had a few extra parts…that’s ok, right?! Just kidding…all parts were utilized and the grill looks amazing! Another huge thank you to our Wrangler families for getting their free and reduced lunch forms turned in! Keep them coming! #SpringdaleFamily #DestinationGeorge
over 2 years ago, George Junior High
GJHS SATURDAY SCHOOL Beginning October 8, GJHS will host Saturday School twice a month from 8:00 am - 11:00 am. Saturday School is for students who have multiple or severe behavior infractions, excessive tardies/absences or are truant from school. Students will be able to catch up on missed assignments and/or work on lessons assigned to them. Students must bring their Chromebooks and any materials they may need to complete their assignments. Parents will be contacted in advance when their student has been assigned Saturday School. School transportation will be provided. Bus pickup and drop-off will be at designated spots within our school zone. Students on transfer will have to have transportation provided. Parents may also bring students and pick them up. Failure to arrive before 8:10 am will result in the day not counting. All school and district rules will apply during the time students are here.
over 2 years ago, George Junior High
Saturday School
George Junior High School students attended a district Family, Career and Community Leaders of America field trip and rally Sept. 14! FCCLA is a national Career and Technical organization offered for students through grade 12. #SpringdaleFamily
over 2 years ago, Springdale Public Schools
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Student Involved Conferences are Tuesday & Wednesday of this week from 4:15-7:15pm. Appointments letters were sent home through your students Advisory Class. Conferences will take place in the George Cafeteria with your students Advisor. Looking forward to seeing you!
over 2 years ago, George Junior High
SIC Conferences
Wrangler Families: Just a reminder that our PTO will be providing dinner for our GJHS Teachers tomorrow, September 20th and they are needing several more families to donate to bring items for this meal. It will be a nacho bar...YUM! If you can donate any of the following items, please complete this form below. We've only had one family volunteer to bring a chicken, so we definitely could use additional meat donations. Donations should be brought to GJHS Office by 4pm on Tuesday the 20th. Thank you to those who have already signed up and everyone else for considering donating! - GJHS PTO You can find a link to the form here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdn_WUmAWKZX9sD72DAo9L4YoOWwA0sbWQuR3-Rt_kNAzKIrw/viewform
over 2 years ago, George Junior High
Please visit WWW.SCHOOLCAFE.COM/SPRINGDALEPS to apply online!
over 2 years ago, Springdale Public Schools
Wrangler Families: Our PTO will be providing dinner for our GJHS Teachers on Tuesday, September 20th and they are still seeking donations. It will be a nacho bar! If you can donate any of the following items, please complete this form and submit. Donations should be brought to GJHS Office by 4pm on Tuesday the 20th. Thank you to those who have already signed up and everyone else for considering donating! - GJHS PTO You can find a link to the form here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdn_WUmAWKZX9sD72DAo9L4YoOWwA0sbWQuR3-Rt_kNAzKIrw/viewform
over 2 years ago, George Junior High
Tonight is the NIGHT! We are excited to see you at the Back to School Rally at Arvest Ballpark. Remember there is a clear bag policy. Doors at 5:00pm, Pre-Game starts at 6:00pm and baseball at 7:05! Here is all the information you need! https://www.sdale.org/page/rally
over 2 years ago, Springdale School District
Clear bag
Wrangler Families: Please join us for the first Parent Teacher Organization (PTO's) meeting of the year. Tonight, Tuesday, September 13th from 5:30-6:30pm in the GJHS Library. We hope to see you there! #DestinationGeorge #SpringdaleFamily
over 2 years ago, George Junior High
PTO Meeting
It's time to complete your free and reduced meal application! Visit WWW.SCHOOLCAFE.COM/SPRINGDALEPS to apply.
over 2 years ago, Springdale Public Schools
Submit Free and Reduced Meal Applications Today! The new school year comes with changes to how students purchase or receive school meals. To receive free and reduced meals this year, families must complete an application and qualify. School districts are no longer receiving funding from the federal government that provided free meals to all students. https://www.smore.com/bafy7
over 2 years ago, Springdale School District
It’s time for the 5th Annual SPSEF Duck Race! We have pledged to sell 20 ducks at $10/duck, but we would love to exceed our pledged amount. You can find more information or purchase a duck through the SPSEF website found here: https://spsef.org/duckrace/. Everyone who purchases a duck will have the opportunity to earmark their duck for a specific TEACHER or SCHOOL. If that duck is one of the top 10 winners of the race, that school/teacher will win a $1,000 grant to use during the year for materials or a project of their choosing. If you would like to purchase a duck, but don’t have a preference of which school you want to support, SPSEF will assign your duck to a school for you. Race day is September 24th in Shiloh Square at Walter Turnbow Park in Downtown Springdale. Gather your friends and family and join us at the race! Race begins at 11:00 am, and ends as soon as the ducks cross the finish line. #spsefduckrace
over 2 years ago, George Junior High
Duck race
GIFT CARD & GRILL GIVEAWAY | Complete a Free and Reduced Meal Form to be eligible to WIN! More information on the flyer below. Visit WWW.SCHOOLCAFE.COM/SPRINGDALEPS to apply!
over 2 years ago, Springdale Public Schools
Springdale School District Drive-Through Food Giveaway Distrito Escolar de Springdale Evento de Comida Gratis Click here to sign up: https://bit.ly/3AJDeDZ
over 2 years ago, Springdale School District
Food Giveaway
Food Giveaway
SEPT. 14, 2022 | Mark your calendars for this family friendly event you can't miss! Activities for all ages and information for parents and more! To learn more and to RSVP for this AMAZING event go to https://fb.me/e/dk8kCA4Vk and visit www.sdale.org/rally ! #SpringdaleFamily
over 2 years ago, Springdale Public Schools
The GJHS Parent Teacher Organization will be providing dinner for Teachers during conferences on the evening of Wednesday, September 20. We are accepting donations of food, desserts and drinks to help feed teachers on this night. If you are interested in making or purchasing items for dinner, please complete the form found here: https://bit.ly/3TiNjjT. Donations should be dropped at George Jr. High by 4:00pm on September 20. Questions? Contact Mrs. Young (daranyoung@gmail.com) or Mrs. Willems (jkwillems@aol.com)
over 2 years ago, George Junior High
PTO Dinner