Welcome to the SMS Car line!

Parents who are dropping off and picking up in the carline (east side of the building), please follow these procedures to ensure the safety of our students and teachers, and also to keep things moving along quickly.
Watch the duty teachers and follow all instructions from them.
There is enough space for 6 cars to unload at a time. Do NOT wait until you are even with the sidewalk to unload.
If there is a back up, please use all 4 lanes to wait, then alternate lanes (1 to 4) to merge into the ONE curb lane.
Cars get dangerously stuck on the Highway when all 4 lanes are not utilized.
Pull up as far as possible to drop off your child.
Please make sure your child is ready to exit the car quickly.
Watch the duty teachers and follow all instructions from them.
Earliest cars pull up to the main curb lane where students exit.
All other cars need to stack in all 4 available lanes facing south. Take turns to merge down to the curb lane.
Pull ALL THE WAY forward.
Please DO…
Move forward in a timely manner
Follow all instructions from duty personnel
Be patient and show kindness to others
Please DO NOT…
Honk your horn at duty personnel
Be on your cell phone while picking up or dropping off
Drop off or pick up before the lanes merge
Have your child come out to the parking lot to avoid the car rider line
Thank you for making SMS a Safe Place for our Students!