Wrangler Families:
Please see the attached Free Immunization Opportunities. Thank you.
EAST at GJHS will have a fundraiser spirit night at Andy's Frozen Custard in Springdale on Tuesday, Sept 3rd from 6 PM - 10 PM.
The 9th Grade Football Team will be playing Central at Harber starting at 5:30 PM.
After the game, go to Andy's and present this flyer and support EAST at our school! Andy's will donate a $1 for every flyer they receive with a purchase.
Springdale Public Schools immunizations are DUE on October 1. Students who miss this deadline will not be allowed to return to school until immunizations are scheduled. Please schedule your immunizations today!!!
You can schedule your child's immunizations at one of Springdale School's School-Based Health Clinics by calling 1-855-438-2280.
There will be a Fishing Derby at Murphy Park on August 24th from 7:00 am to 11:00 am.
The School Board discussed student cell phone usage, award-winning staff, substitute pay increases, student achievements and more news relevant to the #SpringdaleFamily at the August meeting!
Read the full story here: https://secure.smore.com/n/vwmt3-school-board-meeting-news
Wrangler Families:
We apologize for the short notice, but we will be hosting a Chromebook pick-up event on Friday, August 9th from 10:00 pm to 3:00 pm. If you have filled out your AUA and do not have any technology repair fines, then you are eligible to come to the front of the school and get your Chromebook and charger. If you have not filled out the AUA, you will be unable to pick up your Chromebook. You will be given the flyer to fill out the AUA, and will not be able to receive your Chromebook until the first day of school. We hope to see many of you on Friday!
Here is the link to the AUA, so you can fill it out before Friday: https://bit.ly/GJHS_Technology_AUA_2024
Familias Wrangler:
Nos disculpamos por la poca antelación, pero organizaremos un evento de recogida de Chromebook el viernes 9 de agosto de 10:00 p. m. a 3:00 p. m. Si ha completado su AUA y no tiene ninguna multa por reparación de tecnología, entonces es elegible para venir al frente de la escuela y obtener su Chromebook y su cargador. Si no ha completado la AUA, no podrá recoger su Chromebook. Se le entregará el folleto para completar la AUA y no podrá recibir su Chromebook hasta el primer día de clases. ¡Esperamos ver a muchos de vosotros el viernes!
Aquí te dejamos el enlace a la AUA, para que puedas rellenarlo antes del viernes: https://bit.ly/GJHS_Technology_AUA_2024
We held our 4th Annual signing day ceremony this afternoon locking down some of the top educators in the nation! Please help us in welcoming these new faces to GJHS! #DestinationGeorge
GJHS Suggested School Supplies -- Útiles escolares sugeridos por GJHS
Wrangler Families:
As we near the beginning of a new school year, we once again need EVERY student attending GJHS this year to have filled out their Digital Technology Acceptable Usage Agreement (AUA). This AUA allows your student(s) to have access to use a District-issued Chromebook to use for school work and educational purposes during the upcoming school year. We must have this AUA filled out before your student(s) will receive a Chromebook or charger. (NOTE: Any students that owes money for lost chargers or unpaid tech repairs from GJHS or any previous school will not receive their Chromebooks/chargers until they have paid for their tech repairs or charger replacements.)
Please share with any and all friends an family that will have students attending GJHS this year!
Familias Wrangler:
A medida que nos acercamos al comienzo de un nuevo año escolar, una vez más necesitamos que TODOS los estudiantes que asisten a GJHS este año hayan completado su Acuerdo de uso aceptable de tecnología digital (AUA). Esta AUA permite que su(s) estudiante(s) tenga(n) acceso para usar un Chromebook emitido por el Distrito para realizar tareas escolares y fines educativos durante el próximo año escolar. Debemos completar esta AUA antes de que su(s) estudiante(s) reciba(n) un Chromebook o un cargador. (NOTA: Cualquier estudiante que deba dinero por cargadores perdidos o reparaciones técnicas no pagadas de GJHS o de cualquier escuela anterior no recibirá sus Chromebooks/cargadores hasta que haya pagado sus reparaciones técnicas o reemplazos de cargador).
¡Comparta con todos y cada uno de sus amigos una familia que tendrá estudiantes que asistirán a GJHS este año!
Learn more about the exciting news happening within Springdale Schools by checking out information from the June School Board meeting! #SpringdaelFamily
Explore more here: https://secure.smore.com/n/ec51h-school-board-meeting-news
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George Junior High School | 8th Grade Graduation 2024 | 7:00 PM
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George Junior High | 2024 Band Spring Concert | 6:30 PM
District retirees, robotics students and new staff were celebrated at the May School Board meeting. #SpringdaleFamily
Learn more about the meeting, to include the approved 2024-25 salary schedule, here: https://secure.smore.com/n/9vzykm-school-board-meeting-news
It's been a crazy filled, busy week this week, but we couldn't forget our school nurse, Nurse Hoffman! This is Nurse Hoffman's first year with us and we are so grateful to have her at our school! Happy National School Nurse's Day! Thank you keeping us healthy!
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George Junior High | From Stage to Screen Spring 2024 Concert | 6:00 PM
(Trigger warning...IYKYK! lol) "Toto, I have a feeling we aren't in AR-Kansas any more!" This week is Teacher Appreciation Week and we are being transported to the Land of Oz! Please join us in celebrating our amazing teachers for all they do for our students as well as each other! We love and appreciate our teachers so much! #DestinationGeorge #SpringdaleFamily #TeacherAppreciationWeek
Last week we had finished our first year of ATLAS testing! We are excited to report that every student brought their Chromebook to school each day. We only had a few students that failed to bring them charged! Starting tomorrow, we will be doing our last round of MAP testing. Again, we need all students to bring their Chromebooks to school and have charged and ready to test. While we are on the subject of Chromebooks, our last day for Chromebooks will be Thursday, May 16th! We will start our Chromebook and charger collection on Friday, May 17th to start the clean up, damage assessment, and repairs to get them ready for next school year. Students will be charged for any damages to their Chromebook or loss of any chargers. Students must pay for these repairs or replacements before they will receive a Chromebook next year. --- ¡La semana pasada terminamos nuestro primer año de pruebas ATLAS! Nos complace informar que todos los estudiantes trajeron su Chromebook a la escuela todos los días. ¡Solo tuvimos unos pocos estudiantes que no lograron presentar cargos! A partir de mañana, realizaremos nuestra última ronda de pruebas MAP. Nuevamente, necesitamos que todos los estudiantes traigan sus Chromebooks a la escuela, los tengan cargados y listos para realizar la prueba. Mientras hablamos del tema de los Chromebooks, ¡nuestro último día para los Chromebooks será el jueves 16 de mayo! Comenzaremos nuestra recolección de Chromebook y cargador el viernes 17 de mayo para comenzar la limpieza, evaluación de daños y reparaciones para prepararlos para el próximo año escolar. A los estudiantes se les cobrará por cualquier daño a su Chromebook o pérdida de cualquier cargador. Los estudiantes deben pagar estas reparaciones o reemplazos antes de recibir un Chromebook el próximo año.
Friday was School Lunch Hero Day! We are so appreciative our Cafeteria Food Service Workers for always making delicious meals for our students as well as our staff! This year our teachers and staff signed up to make their favorite sweet treats to serve at the reception for all our cafeteria ladies do for us. Mrs. Felt even donated some amazing tumblers that were used as door prizes during the reception! Please help us in celebrating our amazing School Lunch Heroes! #DestinationGeorge
What is better than one soccer champion?! That's right...two soccer champions! Both the Wrangler boys and girls soccer teams finished off their soccer seasons against two formidable opponents! In a hard fought game against the SWJH Cougars, the boys team came away with a 2-0 Victory! In an equally hard fought game against the LJHS Lady Eagles, the girls team were able to come away with a 2-1 Win! Congrats to all 4 teams who made it to the Championship! We are so proud of our Wrangler soccer teams and their coaches, Coach Eric Smith and Coach Christopher Stewart! Way to go, Wranglers! #DestinationGeorge #WeAreGeorge #FearTheG #Champions #SpringdaleFamily
The Force is strong with the Wranglers! May the 4th be with you! #DestinationGeorge #SpringdaleFamily