We would like to congratulate Mrs. Jennifer Fortenberry on being named our 2021-2022 George Junior High School Teacher of the Year! Please help us celebrate Mrs. Fortenberry on this well deserved accomplishment! We are so thrilled and very fortunate to have her here at George Junior High! #DestinationGeorge #THEChoice
over 2 years ago, George Junior High
Teacher of the Year
Yesterday evening, we held our Inaugural Class of 2026 Graduation for our 8th grade students. This event was to celebrate and symbolize these student’s transition to High School Freshman. Although they will still be George Wranglers, they are venturing into a new realm with new responsibilities. We are so proud of our Class of 2026 students and wish them well as they welcome the new challenges! #DestinationGeorge If you were unable to attend last night’s event, you can view the live stream on Springdale Public School’s YouTube or view the link here: https://youtu.be/-_lukuN7PJg
over 2 years ago, George Junior High
GJHS Graduation 2
GJHS Graduation
FEED YOUR BRAIN! Sign up today
over 2 years ago, Springdale School District
Feed your brain- english
feed your brain spanish
Free summer meals for all ages 18 and younger!
over 2 years ago, Springdale School District
Summer meal program in English
Summer meal program in Spanish
Sign up for Kiwanis Kids Day Football!
over 2 years ago, Springdale School District
Kiwanis Kids Day Football
Wrangler Families: We apologize for the late notice, but due to the bus driver shortage Bus 188 will not be running this morning. As far as we know it WILL be running this afternoon. We will let you know ASAP if we hear differently. Thank you and we apologize for this inconvenience.
over 2 years ago, George Junior High
No bus
Wrangler Families: We will be having our 9th Grade Awards Assembly on Wednesday, May 25th at 10 am in the GJHS Gym! We hope that you will come out and celebrate the accomplishments and accolades of our phenomenal 9th Grade students. #DestinationGeorge
over 2 years ago, George Junior High
9th grade awards assembly
Wrangler Families: Just a reminder that tomorrow is Chromebook collection day. ALL students need to return their Chromebook and charger to school for cleaning and damage assessment. Thank you so much!
over 2 years ago, George Junior High
Chromebook 2
Chromebook 1
Chromebook 3
Chromebook 4
George Families, This is just a reminder that Bus 188 will not be running AT ALL today or tomorrow (Wednesday or Thursday). This includes the morning and afternoon routes. Please make other arrangements for your student to get to and from school. We apologize for this inconvenience.
over 2 years ago, George Junior High
No Bus
Wrangler Families: We are in need of a few donations for our 8th Grade Graduation. Thank you so much!
over 2 years ago, George Junior High
Wrangler Families: We are already aware of the following bus changes for next week: Bus 148 will not run an afternoon route all week. Bus 188 will not run AT ALL (no morning or afternoon routes) on Wednesday (May 18) or Thursday (May 19). Please make other arrangements to get your students to and from school. We apologize for the continued inconvenience.
over 2 years ago, George Junior High
Bus Changes
Wrangler Parents and Students: Next Wednesday, May 18th will our student's last day for Chromebooks. Chromebooks and chargers will be collected on Thursday, May 19th. ALL students will need to bring both their Chromebook and charger to school next Thursday to turn them in. Any student that has damages, vandalism, or missing/lost chargers and/or parts to their Chromebook will be charged for their repair or replacement. Payment for these repairs or replacements must be received before the student will be given a Chromebook for next school year. Thank you so much for your help and understanding!
over 2 years ago, George Junior High
Chromebook Collection
Chromebook Collection 2
Chromebook Collection 3
Chromebook Collection 4
Wrangler Families, tonight at 6:00 pm is our GJHS Spring Choir concert! Come out tonight and enjoy some amazing music! Our GJHS choir students have been working hard all semester preparing for this concert and would love everyone to attend! #DestinationGeorge
over 2 years ago, George Junior High
Spring Choir Concert
Wrangler Families: We again apologize for the late notice, but we were just informed that Bus 188 will not run it's afternoon route today. Please find an alternate way to have your student(s) picked up from school today. We apologize for the inconvenience.
over 2 years ago, George Junior High
Bus Change
Wrangler Families: We apologize for the late notice, but Bus 150/140 will not be running this morning. Please make other arrangements to get your student(s) to school. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, George Junior High
No Bus
What an amazing Teacher Appreciation Week at GJHS! We appreciate all of our fantastic teachers and staff! This week has been filled with amazing lunches, goodies and treats, and numerous door prize drawings throughout the week! We are so appreciative of our amazing GJHS parents who provided some delicious tasty treats today to celebrate our teachers! We are also thankful to our PTO partners at Central Junior High for the amazing Crumbl cookies, pizza, and salad! Lastly, we are thankful to our phenomenal Admin, IFs, and ASI, and library for the delicious taco bar from Jose’s, happy wagon treats, and giveaways. A huge shoutout to Mrs. Martin for getting all the amazing door prizes to give away this week. We hope that all of our teachers felt appreciated this week, because we definitely appreciate ALL of them! #DestinationGeorge #THEChoice
over 2 years ago, George Junior High
Teacher Appreciation Week 2
Teacher Appreciation Week 4
Teacher Appreciation Week 3
Teacher Appreciation Week
Wrangler families: Students were given information about purchasing a Yearbook in Advisory earlier this school year, but if they missed the deadline to order it's not too late. Please follow the instructions on this flyer to purchase a yearbook and it will be mailed right to you house. #DestinationGeorge
over 2 years ago, George Junior High
Yearbook orders
Wrangler Families: We have already been made aware of the following bus changes for next week: Bus 148 will continue to only run a morning route (NO afternoon routes). Bus 188 will not run an afternoon route on Tuesday, May 10. Please make other arrangements for your student to get home from school on these days. Thank you for your understanding.
over 2 years ago, George Junior High
Wrangler Families: We are still celebrating celebrating Teacher Appreciation Week this week and we are still in need of families sign up! Please sign up if you can contribute a "Tasty Treat" to the celebration by clicking on the link to sign up. We are in need of cookies, cake, pies, candy, cupcakes or anything else sweet you think they would enjoy :) Both homemade and store bought treats are welcome. Donations should be dropped in the front office by 11:00am on Friday, May 7th. Thank you all so much! #DestinationGeorge Here is the updated link to sign up: https://bit.ly/Tasty_Treats_2022
over 2 years ago, George Junior High
Tasty Treats
Today, representatives from the University of Arkansas' Teacher Education Program came and presented the 2022 Mentor Teacher of the Year Award for Special Education to Mrs. Kaci Smith! This is a tremendous honor fitting for such a fabulous teacher. We can certainly think of no better educator for new educators to learn from than Mrs. Smith. She is an advocate for all learners and an expert at differentiating instruction to meet the needs of all students. Congratulations, Mrs. Smith! #DestinationGeorge #WeAreGeorge #THEChoice
over 2 years ago, George Junior High
Mrs. Kaci Smith, UA Mentor Teacher of the Year
Hogs Love Teaching